Does a bike fit make you faster?

Unlocking Speed: The Power of Proper Bike Fits and Performance Partnerships


In the world of cycling, every rider dreams of going faster and pushing their limits. While training and conditioning play a crucial role, one often overlooked factor that can significantly enhance your speed is the proper bike fit. In this blog, we'll explore how the right bike fit can make you faster and delve into the unique partnership between Raceline Coaching and Synergy Performance that takes your cycling performance to the next level.

The Foundation of Speed: Bike Fits

A bike fit is not just about comfort; it's a science that optimises your riding position to maximise power output, efficiency, and aerodynamics. A well-fitted bike ensures that your body is in the most biomechanically efficient position, allowing you to generate more power with each pedal stroke and reducing the risk of injury.

1. Optimised Power Output:

- Proper saddle height and fore/aft positioning ensure that your legs engage muscles efficiently, allowing you to generate more power with each pedal revolution.

- Correct handlebar and stem adjustments contribute to a more comfortable and aerodynamic riding position, minimising energy wastage and enhancing your ability to sustain high speeds.

2. Improved Aerodynamics:

- A streamlined riding position reduces air resistance, a critical factor in achieving higher speeds.

- Adjustments such as aero bars and optimised body positioning help you cut through the wind, making a significant difference in your overall speed.

3. Enhanced Efficiency:

- Proper bike fit prevents discomfort and fatigue, enabling you to maintain a more consistent and powerful pedal stroke throughout your ride.

- Efficient biomechanics mean you can sustain higher speeds for longer durations without compromising form.

Raceline Coaching and Synergy Performance Partnership:

Raceline Coaching, a renowned cycling coaching company, understands the importance of a holistic approach to performance improvement. In collaboration with Synergy Performance, this partnership takes the concept of bike fits to the next level.


In the pursuit of speed, a well-fitted bike is your secret weapon. Raceline Coaching's collaboration with Synergy Performance not only emphasises the importance of proper bike fits but also offers a comprehensive approach to elevate your cycling performance. Remember, speed is not just about power; it's about optimising every aspect of your ride. Embrace the science of bike fits, and watch your cycling dreams become a reality.


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