How to motivate yourself to train

Rolling Into the New Year: Your Guide to January Cycling Training

The holiday season, laden with festivities and feasts, often leaves us feeling a bit sluggish come January. But fear not, fellow cyclists! The beginning of the year is an opportune time to jump back into the saddle, set new goals, and revitalise your cycling routine. Here's your guide to kickstarting your cycling training this January, with a little motivation and a nod towards the benefits of Raceline Coaching.

1. Reflect and Set Goals

Take a moment to reflect on your cycling achievements from the past year and set realistic yet challenging goals for the upcoming months. Whether it's increasing mileage, improving speed, or conquering new terrains, having clear objectives can reignite your passion for cycling.

2. Start Slow and Build Consistency

Post-holiday fatigue is real, and diving headfirst into intense training can be overwhelming. Begin with shorter, easier rides to rebuild stamina and establish a consistent routine. Gradually increase intensity and duration as your body adjusts.

3. Beat the Winter Blues with Indoor Training

Cold weather and shorter days may hinder outdoor rides, but indoor training platforms like Zwift or Peloton offer engaging alternatives. Create structured indoor workouts to maintain fitness levels and stay motivated during the winter months.

4. Join a Cycling Community

Surround yourself with like-minded individuals by joining local cycling groups or online communities. The camaraderie and shared experiences can provide the motivation needed to stay committed to your training plan.

5. Embrace Cross-Training*

Inject variety into your routine by incorporating cross-training activities like strength training or yoga. Not only does this prevent burnout, but it also contributes to overall fitness and injury prevention.

Motivation Matters: Enter Raceline Coaching

We understand that sustaining motivation can be challenging post-holidays. That's where Raceline Coaching comes in. Our personalised coaching programs are designed to cater to cyclists of all levels, offering expert guidance, customised training plans, and continuous support. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned rider, Raceline Coaching can help you achieve your cycling goals.

Why Raceline Coaching?

  • Individualised Plans: Tailored training programs to suit your specific goals and fitness level.

  • Expert Guidance:Benefit from the expertise of experienced coaches who understand the nuances of cycling training.

  • Ongoing Support: Stay motivated with continuous feedback, adjustments, and encouragement from our dedicated coaching team.


As you embark on your January cycling journey, remember that consistency is key. Stay focused on your goals, embrace the community spirit, and consider the invaluable support of Raceline Coaching to make 2024 your best cycling year yet. Happy riding!


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